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22nd August 2003
Random Boy is currently updated every Monday and Friday. I promise I'll stick to this.
21st July 2003
Proper updates soon. I promise.
15th December 2002
The first proper new strip in ages today, although it's still a spur-of-the-moment "bonus" one rather than one from the 30-odd that I've written but not drawn and put together. There will be a follow-up strip tomorrow. After that, there may not be any more new ones until Christmas - but I have something very special planned for Christmas day...
2nd December 2002
YAY! I have a new scanner, AND I can now upload stuff again! Turns out Windows XP's native firewall was being all screwy (no, I didn't figure this out by myself - I'm a hopeless case, especially considering plenty of people seem to think I know everything about computers ^^;;) Anyway, I actually drew this in a German lesson a few weeks ago, but sadly I didn't scan it before I got Windows XP. Oh well, here it is... and oh how impressive it is.
20th November 2002
When I had everything I needed to make new Random Boy strips, I was always either snowed under with schoolwork or just plain feeling lazy. Now that I have no scanner (stupid Windows XP requiring different drivers, stupid scanner company going bust and therefore never making said drivers v_v) and my PC won't let me upload files (another Windows XP-related problem I believe), I can't make any new strips even though I want to. I managed to knock up this strip (don't worry, I'm able to support it), and Matio uploaded it for me, but this comic would get very boring very fast if I just reused old drawings the entire time ^^; As a result, don't expect any more updates within the next few weeks :\
29th July 2002
Argh... Tomorrow I'm going away for a week, and I was planning to get another strip done before then, but alas, no such luck. Instead, here's a page of biology notes that I meant to post a while ago!
21st July 2002
I've added a News Archive page (to stop all the old news updates cluttering up the main page) and an At-a-Glance Episode List page, so that it's easier to find the strip I'm looking for (er, you're looking for... yeah, that's what I meant.) This episode list page may not always be completely up-to-date, but I'll update it as often as I can be bothered. Updates are getting more frequent (though no more regular ^^;) now, so unless I have something worth saying, from now on there will not be a news update every time there's a strip update. Anyway, enjoy the new strip! Only two more now before a new character is introduced (and forgotten about for ages)!
18th July 2002
What? Three days in a row with an update? Well, yes, but only if you count the Norway postcard... and also today's strip is the laziest one so far (excluding the Norway postcard). Believe it or not, it's even lazier than it looks at first glance! But of course, that didn't stop it from taking ages to put together -_-;
17th July 2002
A new strip, and in colour too! More coming soon, though like I said not many will be in colour. I just felt compelled to do this one in colour for some reason... also it's short, so it's a good candidate for being coloured ^^; Anyway, with any luck it won't be too long before new strips are regular enough that each one doesn't warrant a news update ^^;
16th July 2002
I'm back! This isn't a proper update, but I did want to share with you this postcard from Norway that I saw in Germany and found quite amusing for some reason o.o I'll try to get another strip done soon.
3rd July 2002
I would say that now that my exams are over I'll be updating more frequently... except that the lack of updates has had nothing to do with my exams ^^; Also, I'm going to Germany on Friday, so don't expect any updates for at least 10 days after that. But hey, at least I haven't totally deserted Random Boy! :D
14th May 2002
This one's vertical again. I couldn't decide how to do it, and Matio said vertical, so that's what I did. However, as I've said many times already, I won't have this problem very often in the future, since not many of them are this long. Also, today's strip concludes the little mini-saga about me not wanting to tell the story of how I came out, and marks the end of anything resembling a storyline until quite a long way into the future. Unless you count introducing new characters as storyline.
11th May 2002
The conclusion to the flashback that began in the last strip can be seen below. This time the file size isn't huge, but the strip itself is - unless your screen resolution is 1024x768 there will be a horizontal scroll bar. Sorry about this... I think the layout of this one looks much nicer than the last one, and this is an unfortunate side-effect. Most future strips aren't as long as this one anyway. Getting back to the point: I've drawn and scanned the next strip, but not edited it. Hopefully I'll have that done for sometime this week. Also the message board is down, but no one ever goes there, so that's a bit of a moot point -_-;
27th April 2002
You know how I said I could cope with one comic a week? Well, it turns out I couldn't. Not by a longshot -_-; I've had too much school work and laziness to do. In fact, I've fallen way behind, to the point where no matter what I do there are going to be comics in future about (for example) school subjects I'm doing at GCSE that I'm not doing at A level even though I'll have finished my GCSEs months ago. But oh well, the only one who'll know the difference is me, I guess ^^; Today's comic is in colour, and is also very large compared to all the earlier ones. As a result, the file is 118KB, MUCH larger than all the others so far. I'm very sorry about this, but don't worry - very few of the ones I've written will end up being this big, and also it took me FOREVER to do this, so don't expect any more in colour anytime soon ^^;
9th March 2002
Today I realised that episode 6 was online already, and the total number of comics drawn still stood at 6 -_-; So, as you can imagine, it's staying weekly for the time being (I can cope with drawing one comic a week). However, as a feeble attempt at making up for it (and because I couldn't resist), today there's a special bonus comic about the school prom Matio's going to tonight and has been deliberating over for a Longlongtime™ o.o
31st January 2002
Okay, here's how it is: I have the first 6 comics finished, and scripts for another 36 after that written. My plan is to update three times a week, but I can't do that until I can get enough done for it to last a while, so for now there will only be a new comic every Friday. Also, when I get time I will add more sections to the site. I've already written a handy Character Guide though.